Telling a girl that you like her is something that the most macho of men fear. Of course, emotions can take over your logic & your actions as well. No matter what, you must be prepared mentally before you do anything at all.
Why not we start with some ways that totally will not work! Email, instant messenger, phone, letters, teddy bears, etc, these will not work. In this special case, you are about to express an important message to the woman you like, you must tell her face to face.
Never even attempt to ask her if she likes you! That is still not the worse thing you can ask. There was a friend of mine who asked a girl if he could kiss her! That really cracked me up! Can you imagine that?....
Now, put yourself in a woman's shoes, if you ask such dumb questions, how can she answer you? If she says yes to you, she will appear too cheap but if she really does like you & does not want to reject you, how is she supposed to tell you?
This is usually followed by the sound of silence..... An awkward silence between a man & a woman is what you do not want to experience for yourself.
It is no secret that women are attracted by the confidence of a man. Confidence only shows that a man is totally secure with himself which is really attractive to a woman. Those questions above will only make you look pathetic in front of her.
Do not ask too much or say too much, just bring your relationship to the next level, she will flow with you, if she likes you too.
Now for the most important part, how to tell her.....
- Your delivery method, the way you communicate with her, is even be more important than what you are about to tell her, especially in this special case.
- You must be at least 70% sure that she is also likes you before you tell her, you must tell her at the right time.
- Ambience is very important, especially to women, make sure it is a nice, romantic place.
Whatever happens next, just remember it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
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Telling A Girl You Like Her - Ways To Tell A Girl You Like Her
Labels: Conversation-Tip, Friendship, Relationship, Singles-Tip, Tip-And-Trick
This week I want to talk about compliments. You should always make it a point to dish out compliments when you're with a woman. They must be sincere and expressed like you mean it.
There are taboo compliments you must never use when you are on a first date or just getting to know a woman. Don't use any sexual compliments such as:
You sure have a nice booty.
You sure have beautiful boobs.
You sure have a sexy body.
You sure have a nice long sexy tongue.
Are your boobs your own? They sure look real......
I'm sure you get the point. These suggestive compliments will only offend her.
Let me let you in on a secret that will help you win with single women in the romance department. The secret is using the following compliment on women that you're with: Just simply tell her, "You have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen." Women love to be complimented on their eyes. Just be sure to say it like you mean it and look at her squarely in the eyes with a smile on your face when you say it.
Follow my advice guys. From now on be sure and compliment women on their eyes first instead of her body parts, personality, sense of humor, or intelligence. You will make a much more favorable impression on her by complimenting her eyes. You could also compliments their lips or even their eyebrows, etc. I personally like to compliments a woman's feet.
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How To Say The Right Compliments To Attract Single Women
Labels: Singles-Tip, Tip-And-Trick
You're single, we know.
You may have a habit of being single and not liking your status too much.
Maybe you're sick of hearing when you'll get married, or why you're not dating and you feel like you have a case of Single SARS.
If you're the kind who's not OK with being single, sit at home and complain about why men can't seem to get into you then I'm sorry but you're not the kind of friend that I want to have in my life.
Because you'll pull me into your self obsessed world of self pity and I can't afford to go there.
See, my birthday is next week (May 22) and I feel like a natural woman, all without having a poor me I'll never find anyone outlook on life.
Oh, by the way, send me a shout out on May 22, won't you? Let me know when your birthday is too so I can celebrate how amazing you are!
OK, back to my topic......
Being single is not a disease unless you make it one and you've got to think about whether you're truly running from having to give up your self obsessed single status - you know, not having the attention of folks asking you about being single.
Because men will respond to how you think and feel about yourself. It will come across in the way you talk and how you carry yourself.
If you haven't dated in a while, then it's time to go out there and get to learn more about yourself and how you respond to men.
Even if you're not looking for anything serious yet, you still need to get off the couch.
If you really don't know what the heck I'm taking about, then sorry, I guess I can't help you see that you deserve to go out and have fabulous fun while spreading the love and making a difference in someone's life.
And the best part is, you don't have to be a friend with benefits, you can do it all and still be a woman with class.
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When Was The Last Time You Went On A Date?
Labels: Singles-Tip
It is not the words spoken that affect relationships, but the impact of those words on our feelings. Every word spoken and every body movement influences our relationship. The words can be inspiring, motivating, or loving. Body movements can be a head nod of agreement or a hug. Words can also be biting, humiliating, or disparaging accompanied by such body movements as hands on the hips or crossed arms. Each one of these actions evokes an emotion. So what determines the type of reaction to words and body movements? It is the relationship between the sender and receiver of a message and the value of the relationship between the two. The value of a relationship is directly related to what can be gained or lost in the relationship. It could be love, money, power, information or the relationship itself.
A friend makes a sarcastic remark that is really bothersome. If addressed, it will lead to a heated discussion like the last time where hurtful words were exchanged. So as not to risk the loss or change in the relationship, nothing is said. Your boss tells you that your work on the project was less than expected. You say nothing because your merit raise is due and saying the wrong thing may jeopardize that raise which is desperately needed. A co-worker tells the project manager you were the reason the project was not completed on time. You choose not to address the co-worker because they have kept you in the information loop at work and you choose not to be out of that loop......Each of these examples demonstrates some sort of value in keeping the present relationship intact. There is a fear that the relationship will change or be lost and the consequences of that change or loss is too great for whatever reason. Now, if we do not value a relationship (nothing to lose), we easily and quickly let our dissatisfaction be known. A co-worker that you do not respect gives you the stare. The salesperson acts like it is an effort to help you. Since there is nothing to be lost in these relationships, we say what is on our mind with no fear of consequences for speaking out or displaying a negative posture.
There is a price to pay, however, for not addressing negative messages in a valued relationship. That price is the relationship is going to change anyway, some day! Why you ask? As the number of negative incidences increases, there is a point that the tolerance for those incidences will decrease leading to one of two responses. Either we will explode which is the aggressive response or we will retreat from the relationship which is the passive response. Either way, the relationship is forever changed. Even if the change in the relationship is minute, it is never exactly the way it was.
So, how do we address destructive conversations and still preserve the valued relationship? We have constructive conversations! Constructive conversations have several tenets that need to be understood and implemented in order to disarm the negative and support the positive. The choices we make in our response to positive or negative conversations directly impact the relationship.
The first tenet is to have a critical conversation when we need to address situations that have a negative affect on our feelings. We know from the start that conversation is going to be difficult, but failure to address the situation is worse than not addressing it. Your significant other is always ridiculing you and if the situation is not addressed, there is going to be major fallout with collateral damage. The discussion that follows will be less painful than continuing to accept the ridicule. Having a critical conversation is a comparative ratio of having or not having the conversation, but not having it can lead to physical ramifications such as stress, insomnia, or loss of appetite. There can also be emotional ramification such as depression, anger, or feeling a loss of control.
The second tenet for a constructive conversation requires us to choose words and a body stance that are neutral allowing us to give and get information rather than attitude. Instead of using words that are inflammatory in a tone an octave higher than normal, with crossed arms and eyebrows close to your hair line, start the conversation with, "There is something that I need to tell you and I hope you will hear me so we can discuss this with out yelling at each other". This opening statement sets the stage and the expectation for having a conversation rather than an argument. If the situation starts to get out of hand, stop it by saying, "I thought we agreed not to yell at each other." If this does not help, you might have to say, "We are not getting anywhere with this, so maybe we need to stop here and come back to it later."
Sometimes conversation become so difficult and emotional for both parties that a "time out" is needed to re-group, re-think and re-feel what is really going on. There are occasions that the issue seems clear, but there are occasions where there is an underlying issue that is being disguised. Depending on the situation being discussed and the relationship between the two, time way from the issue or one another is needed. Time is sometimes the best healer.
Another key tenet to having a constructive conversation is to understand how to manage anger. Angry is a reaction when either an expectation was not met or there was something they did not get! A person that is angry wants two things; 1) to know they are being heard and 2) something is going to be done about it. In a valued relationship, disarming anger occurs when clues are given that we hear and understand (not necessarily agree) and we indicate that we are willing to do something to meet the need or expectation. Keep it positive. Do not list what cannot be done and reason for not being able to do them. Offer ideas or solutions that will help the situation no matter how small; it is the effort that will be appreciated.
The essence of constructive conversations is to remember what part we play in the relationship. We may not be the silent partner. It might be our tone or our body movements that is affecting the relationship. Don't be afraid to admit it!
Relationships are like algebraic equations; what happens on one side affects the other. We know that stuff happens to us all-day. Here is how the chain goes when bad stuff happens. Our attitude sets our emotions that directly affect our responses to others and in turn affects their responses us. Therefore, we have to be in tuned to what we are giving off. Only we can control our choice of responses to people and situations.
When we react negatively to others, we hand over our control or power because we are allowing others to affect our feelings and responses. We virtual hand over ourselves and say manipulate me. Max Depree, noted author, said, "We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." If we are in a negative space having destructive conversations, we have to come out of that space to become someone else. Someone who understands the dynamics of the present situation, someone who can orchestrate their environment and make changes for the good, and someone that is willing to put out the effort for change to occur.
Regardless of what side of the algebraic equation we find ourselves, we alone have the capacity to change destructive conversations into constructive ones by following the tenets that support a positive healthy relationship. See, it really is about saving the relationship. Good Luck!
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Creating a Dialogue Through Constructive Conversations
Labels: Conversation-Tip
"Why does a kept woman (a.k.a. a sugar baby or sugar babe) need to know about finance?" you may wonder. The answer is simple. Just because you have a wonderful sugar daddy taking care of you now doesn't mean that he'll always be around. Your special circumstances as a sugar baby require special attention.
You need to know what to do with the gifts you receive (aside from spending them). Every woman - married or single, financially struggling or wealthy - needs to have a plan for her future that is independent of any partner, current or future. Should the need arise, you should be able to take care of yourself and your estate......
Setting goals is a very important part of Sugar Baby Finance. When you set goals, you have something to reach for. You'll be better able to discuss your financial wants and needs with your sugar daddy. That doesn't mean you should go running to him with you financial problems, but with a plan in mind, you are better equipped when it comes to talking about your financial arrangement with your sugar daddy.
One of your first goals as a kept woman is to rid yourself of any financial burden. If you have credit card bills or student loans, pay them off as quickly as possible. When you aren't endlessly worrying about paying bills and having collectors call, you will be able to give your man more of what he needs. As a result, he may become more generous.
You should consider saving a portion of every cash gift you receive from your sugar daddy. Consider starting with 50%. Of course if you have bills that are desperately overdue or need the money to pay your rent, do that first. But after you've taken care of your necessary expenses, save half of what's left. The more you save, the sooner you can reach your financial goals.
Perhaps you would like to purchase your own home or a luxury car (assuming you can't sweet talk your sugar daddy into it). Wouldn't it be fabulous to open your bank statement one day and discover you have a nice chunk of cash at your disposal? If you make a deposit to your savings or investment account every time you get any amount of money from your sugar daddy, you will be well on your way to reaching those goals.
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Financial Advice for Sugar Babies
Labels: Dating-Tip
How To Read Women's Body Language - 5 Easy To Read Tips To Know If She's Into You
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It's a well known fact that we reveal a lot about ourselves and our inner thoughts through our body language. People in positions of power are well taught in the art of body language - how to read it and how to use it to their best advantage. Read on and you too will learn how to be in control, how interpret female body signals to your best advantage. Then you'll know if she's enjoying your company and if she's worth pursuing further. As a hot girl I have never had trouble picking up men. In fact, I get approached everywhere I go. And when I do get talking to guys I'm not shy and I never run out of fun, interesting and enticing tings to talk about. However, having witnessed many of my male friends leave relationships wounded, with broken hearts, or never even get a foot in the door with girls, I've decided to try and help guys to whom the whole dating thing doesn't just come second nature. That's just the nice kind of girl I am. I discovered the Guy Gets Girl System through a friend of mine. When he discovered it he talked and talked about it. I was dubious at first, but I though hey it can't do any harm. He changed overnight. I saw my shy friend, who took two years to recover from a broken heart, who never dared to approach women, turn into a confident, charming, sexy guy who was suddenly the life and soul of the party. He now has a beautiful and wonderful girlfriend. He opened my eyes. I realized that so many guys out there are struggling to find a date. Some don't even dare approach beautiful women. A lot of guys seem to lack the self confidence and the self awareness to be able to approach girls, talk to them and instigate meaningful relationships. Guys this is just not on, especially when the answer is so simple. Find out more about the Guy Gets Girl System at and say hello to a new you. Realize your full potential.
Tip 1: observe what she's doing with her hair
Is he she playing with her then she definitely fancies you. If she is twirling it in her hands, or revealing her neck these are subconscious signals that she's into you.
Tip 2: watch her finger actions
Fingers are very closely linked with the sexual act and as such are very revealing. Watch her fingers closely. Is she starts fondling or stroking her face, neck, chest, arm, thigh or leg in your presence then she is subtly seducing you. She may not even realise she is doing it. If she if she plays with her lips, teeth or tongue that is a dead cert!......Tip 3: pay attention to the position of her body
How is her body placed in relation to yours? If she is leaning towards you, or if her legs or shoulders are pointed towards you then this is a good body language sign. She really likes you! By moving closer to you she is subtly saying that she wants to get even closer! However if her arms are crossed, or if she is leaning away from you then these may be negative body language signs. Maybe she is weary of you. Crossing the arms is a defensive stance and this reveals that she might be intimidated or put off by you.
Tip 4: look at her eye movements
If you spot a woman and she is looking at you then she looks away and then looks at you again, but with a slight downwards glance, she definitely likes you. The downward glance reveals her shyness so now would be a prime time to approach her. Look closely at her eyes. If she smiles and looks away, this is always a positive sign. If she looks into your eyes for a long time, again, you're in there. Beware however of the woman that never makes any eye contact, or one who looks away, or around her a lot. These are the signs of someone who is disinterested or bored.
Tip 5: look out for any seductive movements
These signs reveal the most about a woman's inner thoughts. She is also most likely doing these consciously, so you catch sight of any of these, count yourself lucky! Is she stroking her leg or chest, is she subtly revealing parts of her body to you? Is she dangling one shoe with her feet whilst in a crossed leg position? If she is doing any of the above she is trying to seduce you and entice you into bed.
These easy tips are invaluable in the quest to read, understand and ultimately seduce women.
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How To Read Women's Body Language - 5 Easy To Read Tips To Know If She's Into You
Labels: Body-Language, Dating-Tip
I don't quite know how it happened, but it did. I was 21 and I was still a virgin. It's not like I used to be a total geek, or some kind of school reject or anything. It just never quite happened. I always ended up as the 'ah but I don't want it to ruin our friendship' guy. I had tons of female friends but they were all exactly that. Friends. Nothing more. By the time I was 21 I felt like my balls were about to explode and I thought I was going crazy. Some of my female friends were really hot too. This is when I decided something had to change. I was clearly doing something wrong. I discovered the Guy Gets Girl System by random, just by looking for dating tips on Google. I cannot believe what a difference it has made to my life, to my whole outlook. I learned how to approach women, how to say all the right things so that they are putty in my hands. I slept with about 20 girls in the first month. Honestly! I now have a wonderful girlfriend, but this doesn't mean that everything I've learned has gone to waste because 1. I would never ever have got a girl as hot at Claire and 2. the Guy Gets Girl System teaches you how to keep your woman, not just how to get her. It's absolutely changed my life and I fully recommend it to any guy out there who, like I used to, struggles to get women interested in them. It's a game, it's all psychological. The tools you need are there. Just access them. Find out more about the Guy Gets Girl System at http://www.guysgetgirlz.comThe dating world can seem scary and intimidating if you're a shy guy. It can be so overwhelming and seemingly impossible to approach a hot woman. However with the right dating advice you can learn how to easily strike up a conversation with the girl you have you eye on, in fact, with any girl. Read on and you will no longer find yourself feeling uncomfortable and awkward in social situations. Instead she will see a confident and intriguing guy that she will want to chat to.
Probably the best piece of dating advice is this: pick your location wisely. Where's a good spot? A busy bar? A crowded nightclub? It's true, there will be lots of girls there but that doesn't mean it's your best option. In fact, far from it. If you're shy then approaching women in loud and busy spots will be even more challenging, notwithstanding the fact that there will be tons of other single guys looking for the same thing you are. Also, women get easily intimidated and dismissive in such situations, especially if they've already been approached by lots of guys......
You'll fare a lot better in a quieter, more relaxed spot where you can strike up a conversation without any pressure. How about your local library or grocery store? Not only will be she be more responsive but there will be plenty of perfect conversation topics at your disposal. So if you're in the library you could ask her what book she would recommend and then continue the conversation from there.
This leads to my next invaluable tip: learn how to be a good listener. Men generally have almost completely forgotten how to do this. So once you've approached her and asked her about the book, listen to her response and pick up on what she is saying. If she tells you she read a great book on a recent holiday, ask her about the holiday. Keep the conversation flowing by asking her questions. She will pick up on the fact that you are a good listener and it will really impress her.
Tip number three: there's power in numbers. Bring along a friend and look to them for encouragement. If you approach a woman when you're with someone else she will be much less intimidated and you'll seem less threatening to her. If she is with a friend then this will work even better! If not, your friend can always politely excuse himself and leave you with your chosen lady. This is a great tip to keep in mind. You'll be more relaxed and confident because you're with a friend, she will pick up on this and she herself will feel more comfortable. Everyone's a winner.
Women are approached by guys all the time and in reality they are sick of overconfident Don Juan types. Be yourself and she will appreciate you for who you are. With the right dating advice even shy guys can have great success with hot girls.
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Picking up women sometimes comes down to specific seduction techniques. If you want increase your chances of attracting and seducing a woman, then you should learn about quality routines to use on girls. Picking up women is not easy but it is not difficult either. You just have to know what the right thing to do is.
Woman desire men who pay attention to detail, especially woman who are beautiful. Woman need to feel wanted and needed. They need to feel that they are the only one for you......
But they vital key to seduce women is confidence. Confidence indicates that you are successful and are to be trusted. When you trust yourself, others will as well. Confidence and Cockiness are two things that women find irresistible. If you are confident in yourself a woman can see that and will be drawn to that. Confident men understand this is all part of the game, and take it in stride. Whatever you do, don't let a rejection get under your skin.
Confident men understand this is all part of the game, and take it in stride. Whatever you do, don't let a rejection get under your skin.
Success only came when you stop worrying about how to attract women. Instead, you should worry about how to be happy with yourself. Success is not a get rich quick scheme and will not happen over night. It takes time and hard work to get your seduction plan up and running. Success generally comes with simple approach.
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Why Is So Difficult To Seduce Women These Days?
Labels: Seduction, Singles-Tip
Girls won't ask you to hug them, kiss them or whatever even if they want you to. So don't be shy! Girls are not like guys. You piss a guy off after 5 minutes you'll be back laughing and talking again. If you are trying to become a seducer you must completely change your mindset. Don't be afraid of being to cocky or anything like that. Most guys fear approaching women because of lack of knowledge.
Fear is a lack of knowledge and with the right strategy you will be more confident. Learning what to say with the power of persuasion, is very effective. Fear is a deficiency of learning and with the right strategy you will be more confident. Learning what to say with the power of persuasion, is very effective.
Now to become more confident do this. Pick someone who you know who is very successful with women. It can be a person in real life, or someone on television and observe how he acts and copy him. It works every time, you will start to act in a more confident manner......
Picking up women sometimes comes down to specific seduction techniques. If you want increase your chances of attracting and seducing a woman, then you should learn about quality routines to use on girls, but if you are starting in this game, its better for you to stick with the basic technique above.
Another good thing you must do is to ask good questions- Many guys think a conversation involves "interview" type questions like "Where are you from?" or "Where do you work?" Instead of doing this, you should ask interesting questions which she's never heard before. My best advice is to write down and memorize a bunch of questions which will spark a great conversation. Ask gentle questions about her sexual history. Don't ask her "How many times have you had sex?".But you may feel comfortable enough to ask her if she's ever done it in daring places, or on a dare, or with someone who's name she didn't know.
I hope that these simple guidelines can help you in your seduction journey. Never stop learning and you will succeed.
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+ Over the top high tech flirtingAuthor: Do you want to discover the PROVEN way to seduce women in 3 1/2 days by only changing your attitude? I am in the seduction game for 6 years and have achieved marvelous results. So YOU can. I have developed a report that will allow anyone to date beautiful women. Get my free report by visiting the link below.
Don't Be Afraid Of Being To Cocky With Women
Labels: Singles-Tip
Dating site trolls, creepy sex texters and instant messaging prowlers beware!
A crew may be waiting on the sidelines to bust you at your next stroke of the keyboard or dial pad button.
It's not hard to imagine this on the horizon, so don't say we didn't warn you. With the ever-increasing popularity of Dateline NBC's series "To Catch a Predator" we envision that this next extension in the line up of undercover sting investigation programs will follow a similar format, only this time the hidden camera will be honing in on romance unabashed romance seekers or interlopers.
"I can deal with over-the-top flirting or dirty cyber talk with someone that I know and trust" says Stephanie a reader. "But it's a whole other ballgame when you receive an instant message from an AOL stranger seeking sex talk, or better yet the booty call at 2:00 in the morning, They have got to be joking!"
Unfortunately most of the time they are not. With more than 73% of single adults online, many of whom are searching for friendship and/or love, the indiscriminate messaging can be unsettling, and chicanery can cause long term emotional bruising. Take 34 year old Jason, who thought he had met a long term companion, until one of his friends spotted her actively casting her net on three other dating sites. And with mobile technology making anywhere, anytime dating and relating an option, there is no foreseeable end in sight......
Individuals are far less inhibited and more willing to take chances when there is no one in front of them. Plus the chances of getting caught or being taken up on an offer are so unlikely that many people are willing to push the limits. The problem, according to experts, starts when individuals longing for intimacy and emotional connectedness start lurking and leering compulsively.
So while there are no set plans, To Catch a Pervert seems ripe for a spinoff. Here's how you can keep yourself off of the watch list:
1. Set Realistic Boundaries: One online dating profile means you're putting yourself out there; two to three lets them know you are actively searching. Anything more is a red pervert alert.
2. Know Your Audience: Remember. Asianfriendfinders is for Asians, Jdate is for Jews, PrimeSingles for baby boomers and SingleParentDating for non-married single parents. If you do not match the criteria, but have a fetish for those who do, come clean in your profile.
3. Cover your tracks: If you spend more than 2 hours a day on a particular dating site, have clicked on a single person's profile more than seven times in the last hour, or been out on more than 3 dates with someone(s) within a community, be sure to deactivate the setting which lets others know when, how often and what you do when you are online.
4. Be Sensitive to Timing: Do not instant message your prospect(s) seconds after they appear on your buddy list, especially during daytime office hours.
5. Limit ALL CAPS usage: Keep your voice down, shouting at a stranger is the sign of an angry lunatic.
6. Save the Sex Texts: SMS should be avoided until there has been at least one date whether it's virtual or real.
And finally, remember, friends don't let friends ping drunk. If you have had one too many, hand over your keys and your cell phone.
Sponsored by: http://www.balootisme.comAuthor: Sheeri Langburt at
Over The Top High Tech Flirting
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