When Was The Last Time You Went On A Date?

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You're single, we know.

You may have a habit of being single and not liking your status too much.

Maybe you're sick of hearing when you'll get married, or why you're not dating and you feel like you have a case of Single SARS.

If you're the kind who's not OK with being single, sit at home and complain about why men can't seem to get into you then I'm sorry but you're not the kind of friend that I want to have in my life.

Because you'll pull me into your self obsessed world of self pity and I can't afford to go there.

See, my birthday is next week (May 22) and I feel like a natural woman, all without having a poor me I'll never find anyone outlook on life.

Oh, by the way, send me a shout out on May 22, won't you? Let me know when your birthday is too so I can celebrate how amazing you are!

OK, back to my topic......

Being single is not a disease unless you make it one and you've got to think about whether you're truly running from having to give up your self obsessed single status - you know, not having the attention of folks asking you about being single.

Because men will respond to how you think and feel about yourself. It will come across in the way you talk and how you carry yourself.

If you haven't dated in a while, then it's time to go out there and get to learn more about yourself and how you respond to men.

Even if you're not looking for anything serious yet, you still need to get off the couch.

If you really don't know what the heck I'm taking about, then sorry, I guess I can't help you see that you deserve to go out and have fabulous fun while spreading the love and making a difference in someone's life.

And the best part is, you don't have to be a friend with benefits, you can do it all and still be a woman with class.

Photo: http://www.datingsiteportal.net

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Author: Nicole Gayle is the author of the e-book, I'm Not That Kind of Woman - a dating manual to help you love your single life and become the kind of woman who'll attract Mr. Right. Get instant download now plus the free song at http://www.notthatkindofwoman.com

When Was The Last Time You Went On A Date?

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