Pick Up Artist

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Let me give you an example,

You found this women in street. You want to dating this lucky women or you want to date this women or you want to know this women. But, did you know how to approach this women?

Now, your problem is solve with this pick up artist site.
This site can be found at http://www.themodernman.com/. This is the Better Than A Pick Up Artist site. Here, you will learn on how to that approach women and get that lovely dates with this women.

But how? How to meet women? Easy man. I found this tip on their site. Below is listed tip on how to get this women:

1) It takes some time to learn about conversation with this women.

2) Understand that women want to meet guys too. If this is hard to understand, you can find this tip on my blog.

3) Decided what you really want from that women. Dates, Laid or anything else?

4) Anticipate where you might find your ideal type of women. In local bookstore or shopping centre in the end of the weekend.

5) Develop all of your ability to attract women and then move things forward.

That's it. If you fulfill all that above tip, you will get that women for what you want.

But, how about when you are Mr Nice Guy? Is mr nice guy always get women? No, I don't think so man.

Why? Why Mr Nice Guy fail with women? Below is list why,

1) You must understand what women really mean by 'nice guy'. When a woman says, "I just want a nice guy" she isn't referring to a nice guy who:

* Is nervous around her
* Is always nice to her, like he would be to his grandmother
* Calls her too often
* Tells her that he has 'feelings' for her too early
* Behaves submissively or weakly around her
* Always accepts her demands, just so she will spend time with him or continue talking to him
* Becomes her doormat and puts his own needs aside
* Listens to all of her problems and discusses them in the way her girlfriends would
* Gives away his power to her, and allows her to become the boss
* Always asks what she wants to do, instead of being a man for her and taking the lead.

2) Mr Nice Guy must realize that nice guys are not pick #1 with women. What would happen if you asked guys all over the world to STOP feeling a sexual attraction for slim, model-type women and start feeling it around obese women?

3) Become a good guy with EDGE. I really mean about this one. A good guy with edge is a nice guy, who also demonstrates the personality traits and behaviors that women are attracted to. Things like:

* Flirting.
* Confidence.
* Alpha male qualities.
* Humor.
* And more...

This site is also offer free audio. You can find this audio at http://www.themodernman.com/audio_vault.html

Pick Up Artist

This Post has 2 Comments Add your own!
Unknown - October 28, 2007 at 6:15 PM

Dating women is tough. It's more than lines, it's about building yourself.

A great pick-up artist who's building himself is V. You can read his blog at http://www.BecomingAPUA.com

Unknown - October 28, 2007 at 10:49 PM

yeah.. ur blog is good enough to find pick up artist line..

thanks for the url..

interested in making link exchange??

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