Believe It or Not, How To Have Even More Confidence With Women.

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From Seduction For Dummies

A great deal of success and power with women has nothing to do with how you act and feel about them, but a lot to do with how you act and feel about yourself. What we're really talking about here is SELF-RESPECT.

Plenty of men who wouldn't take a bit of crap from another guy turn into down right spineless wimps when it comes to women. Whether they are reliving old dramas with a mommy they couldn't please as children, or are scared for some other reason, they put the woman first.

Other guys have a slightly different problem. They may not take any crap from a woman, but getting laid is SO damn important to them that they lose sight of other priorities. In a sense in loses all the fun aspects, and gets to be a compulsion.

Guys like this may win the battles, but they are definitely losing the war. Women may be nice additions to your life, and if you find the right one, you might even chose to make her part of the center of yours. But a life spent doing nothing but chasing women is a pretty stupid one.

If that is your problem, then pull yourself up short for a minute, and ask yourself if you might be missing some of the other pleasures life has to offer. You might be shocked to learn that a quiet evening at home with a good book can actually be more stimulating than a boring date with a huge breasted bimbo with a room temperature I.Q.

So here's a hint for increasing your confidence with women: STOP NEEDING THEM SO MUCH! And a good way to do that is going out and finding a hobby that you can really enjoy. Something that gets you AWAY from women.

Not only will this increase your confidence as you are on the prowl, it provides a great escape for when that special lady you are with puts a bit of stress and strain on your brain, as they so often will.

Personally, I prefer Big Mouth Bass Fishing. Most women hate even the thought of some icky, slimy fish flopping all over them, and wouldn't even consider asking to go along with you. And besides, I enjoy catching something with a big mouth, and being able to instantly throw it away if I feel like it. Women are not so easy.

Copyright baLooT Inc 2007.

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